Fried Chicken!
I woke up to a gorgeous morning in the#upperleftusa and immediately my thoughts went to two things, great day for a Hike and, Fried Chicken . As of now I’m winning, I’ve got the Fried Chicken done and I’m off to conquer a bit of our fantastically beautiful hiking trails in a bit (got to clean the mess I made in the kitchen first).
This is my favorite Fried Chicken recipe, and without a doubt it’s one I learnt from watching my Grammy. Fresh beautiful chickens from @ospreyhillfarm marinated in a blend of fresh green herbs & spices (garlic, scallions, parsley, thyme, oregano, culantro, scotch bonnets, pimentos, spanish thyme, salt & black pepper ) some of which I got @bhamfarmersmkt. I chose to shallow pan fry the pieces of chicken using a mix of olive oil and rendered chicken fat. Needless to say, it is delicious
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